Quick search: Go Anywhere Subject Title Author Series Fiction Nonfiction New Biographies Becoming Ella Fitzgerald : the jazz singer who ...Tick, Judith, author. Bitter crop : the heartache and triumph of Bill...Alexander, Paul, 1955- aut... The book of Jose : a memoirFat Joe, author. The call to serve : the life of President Georg...Meacham, Jon, author. Carson McCullers : a lifeDearborn, Mary V., author. Charlie Chaplin vs. America : when art, sex, an...Eyman, Scott, 1951- author... Elizabeth Windsor [the story of England's longe... Everything/nothing/someone : a memoirCarrière, Alice, author. Finding a likeness : how I got somewhat better ...Baker, Nicholson, author. Funny boy : the Richard Hunt biographyStein, Jessica Max, author... Ghost dogs : on killers and kinDubus, Andre, III, 1959- a... Great Falls, MT : fast times, post-punk weirdos...Watts, Reggie. author. The house of hidden meanings : a memoirRuPaul, 1960- author. I will show you how it was : the story of warti...Ponomarenko, Illia, author... Ian Fleming : the complete manShakespeare, Nicholas, 195... The journey of Sacagawea Leslie f*cking Jones : a memoirJones, Leslie, 1967- autho... Love, PamelaAnderson, Pamela, 1967- au... Margaret Mitchell American rebel Milton Friedman : the last conservativeBurns, Jennifer, 1975- aut... Never far from home : my journey from Brooklyn ...Jackson, Bruce (Lawyer), a... Queen of the court : the many lives of tennis l...Blais, Madeleine, author. Remembering Gene Wilder Splinters : another kind of love storyJamison, Leslie, 1983- aut... Ten bridges I've burnt : a memoir in versePurnell, Brontez, author. Thank you (falettinme be mice elf agin) : a mem...Stone, Sly, author. The uptown local : joy, death, and Joan Didion ...Leadbeater, Cory, author. Wandering through life : a memoirLeon, Donna, author. The young manErnaux, Annie, 1940- autho... New Large Print The Briar Club a novelQuinn, Kate, author. Cher the memoir, part oneCher, 1946- author. A death in Cornwall a novelSilva, Daniel, 1960- autho... Fatal intrusion a novelDeaver, Jeffery, author. Finlay Donovan rolls the diceCosimano, Elle, author. Fire and bonesReichs, Kathy, author. House of glassPekkanen, Sarah, author. Husbands & lovers a novelWilliams, Beatriz, author. Joy a novelSteel, Danielle, author. A nest of vipersNagendra, Harini, author. Oath and honor a memoir and a warningCheney, Liz, 1966- author. Plain JaneMichaels, Fern, author. Playground a novelPowers, Richard, 1957- aut... The rulebreaker the life and times of Barbara W...Page, Susan, 1951-, author... Safe enough and other storiesChild, Lee, author. The seventh veil of SalomeMoreno-Garcia, Silvia, aut... The things we didn't knowPérez, Elba Iris, author. Triangle a novelSteel, Danielle, author.